Tipp Realty at Glen Cove

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Tipp Realty at Glen Cove

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Tipp Realty at Glen Cove

Get to know our highly experienced team of agents at Tipp Realty. Our longevity in the area has afforded Tipp a dominant market share of the local area, due largely in part to the high quality of service we offer. We have been in business for 40+years and has extensive experience in residential & commercial real estate, equity sales, bank owned properties, short-sales and investment properties.

I have had the privilege of working with a lot of realtors in the past 7 years and I cannot think of any who have been so totally committed or who have gone so far out of their way to be as helpful..

Sue A. C., PMI Insurance Co.

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Call our office at 707.642.8880

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